During four days, cutting-edge technologies in lighting, low voltage, generation and transmission, electronics, and renewable energies will be exhibited at BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires 2023.
In addition, visitors will be able to participate in technical talks that will be given by the exhibitors, where an overview of the market situation will be outlined with first-hand information on the sector together with the latest technological developments in the industry, new commercial links, and interesting product demos. In parallel, the most important entities in the industry will hold congresses and seminars.
In this regard, the exhibiting company Sonoff Argentina’s General Manaer, Ruben Saied, stated: “There is a lot of new technology and it is important that the users have contact and know its functionalities, this exhibition being an opportunity for it. During this year, our aim is to increase the distribution area, reaching all regions of the country and strengthening the local presence”. Among its main products to be exhibited are new WiFi switches, and a new Central Control to control all home devices from a single place.
On his part, the person in charge of Micro Control Strategic Planning, Martín Ezequiel Munoa, another of the participating firms, highlighted the importance of the exhibition: “We consider that BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires is the most recognized fair in the electrical sector and particularly in Argentina where it has a long history. Participating as an exhibitor is always an opportunity to meet friends in the field, but fundamentally to be in contact with the users of our products, and show what we do to those who still don’t know us. For us, it is not only a question of brand positioning and dissemination, but also a channel to interact with our users, and receive feedback that helps us improve and enhance what we do”.
Those who wish to take part in this exclusive meeting for professionals and business professionals in the sector can now pre-register on the exhibition website www.biel.com.ar. There they must fill in a form with their data and, once the process is finished, they will receive a confirmation that they must submit at the entrance of the exhibition, together with their ID. Registration can also be done in person during the days that the exhibition is held.
Organized by Messe Frankfurt and the Argentine Chamber of Electronic, Electromechanical and Lighting Industries (CADIEEL), BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires will once again be the ideal meeting point to connect with customers, colleagues and keep up to date with all trends.
Exclusive event for professionals and business professionals of the sector. With invitation: free of charge.
To register, you must submit your ID. Children under 16 years old will not be allowed even when accompanied by an adult.
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Additional information about CADIEEL
CADIEEL, the Argentine Chamber of Electronic, Electromechanical and Lighting Industries represents and advocates the interests of 2,200 industries from different areas, which employ more than 60,300 highly qualified technical-professional workers and export to more than 60 countries on five continents.
Headquartered in the city of Buenos Aires, it has 210 associates, who actively participate in the four sectors it brings together (Low Voltage, Energy, Lighting and Electronics) actively working towards national technological progress, developing and promoting the creation of alternatives that allow industries to exploit their potential, improving their levels of competitiveness in the local and international market.
You will find more information in: www.cadieel.org.ar
Additional information about Messe Frankfurt Additional information about sustainability at Messe Frankfurt
The Messe Frankfurt busines group is one of the world’s largest organizers of fairs, congresses and events with its own venue. Around 2,200* employees at the Frankfurt am Main headquarters and 28 subsidiaries are involved in organizing events all over the world. In the 2022 financial year, the group’s turnover was around 450* million euros. We effectively support the commercial interest of our customers within the framework of our «Fairs & Events», «Locations» and «Services» business segments. A crucial strength of Messe Frankfurt is its strong global distribution network, serving some 180 countries in all regions of the world. Our comprehensive offering of services –both face-to-face and online- consistently guarantees customers around the world high quality and flexibility in planning, organizing, and running their events. Thanks to our digital experiencie, we develop new business models. The range of services goes from the rental of venues to the hiring of personnel and catering, through the design and assembly of booths and marketing services.
More inforamtion at: www.messefrankfurt.com/sustainability.
The company is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. The partners are the city of Frankfurt, with 60 percent, and the state of Hesse, with 40 percent.
More information at:
*preliminary figures 2022
Additional information about Messe Frankfurt Argentina
It is the subsidiary of the world’s leading organization of professional exhibitions. The aim of the exhibitions is to promote real business meetings that stimulate regional markets, encourage internal market and, in turn, encourage the development of the technological pole in each area. Currently, the event portfolio of Messe Frankfurt Argentina includes the following exhibitions: Automechanika Buenos Aires, BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires, Confemaq, Emitex, ExpoFerretera, Intersec Buenos Aires, Salón Moto, Simatex, Tecno Fidta. Besides, it holds numerous congresses and special events for third parties, such as Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Buenos Aires, Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Patagonia and Arminera, among others.
You will find more information in www.argentina.messefrankfurt.com